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TM 9-2320-364-10
Position ladder (2) on the ground with hooks (4) facing towards truck.
Position hands on ladder handles (5) and pull down left ladder handle (5)
until ladder (2) is in the open position.
Keep fingers away from pivot points of lock holding latch.
Fingers may be pinched causing injury to personnel.
Lock holding latch (6) at bottom of ladder (2).
Ladder is only intended for use on the PLS. The two hooks on
the ladder must be installed in the holes located on top of the
fender prior to use. Using the ladder for other applications
could result in serious injury to personnel.
Ensure that ladder is clean and free of debris or personnel may
slip and cause injury.
Install two hooks (4) in holes on fender (7).
Position ladder shoes (8) securely on ground.