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TM 9-2320-364-20-4
Cleanliness. Work area must be as clean as possible to prevent contamination to components.
Self-locking fasteners that are loosened must be replaced, not tightened.
Locking Parts. Replace all lockwire, lockwashers, cotter pins and locknuts at time of reassembly.
Expendable Parts. All gaskets, packings and seals removed during repair must be discarded and replaced with
new parts.
Removing Seals. Be sure all traces of oil, gaskets and sealants are removed from components. When
possible, use wood or plastic probes and scrapers to prevent damage to machined surfaces.
Do not use tape to close off fuel or oil openings. Sticky surface of tape can mix with fuel and
oil and cause engine malfunctions.
Parts Protection. To keep dust, dirt, moisture and other objects out of internal parts of systems or
components, cap or tape over all open tubes, hoses, air lines, fittings and component openings as soon as part is
removed. Wrap all removed parts in clean paper or dip parts in preservation oil.
Drycleaning Solvent (P-D-680) is TOXIC and flammable. Wear protective goggles, face
shield, and gloves; use only in a well-ventilated area; avoid contact with skin, eyes, and
clothes, and do not breathe vapors. Keep away from heat or flame. Never smoke when
using solvent. The flashpoint for Type II Drycleaning Solvent is 140 degrees F (60 degrees
C) and Type III Drycleaning Solvent is 200 degrees F (93 degrees C). Failure to do so may
result in injury or death to personnel.
If personnel become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, immediately get fresh air and
medical help. If solvent contacts skin or clothes, flush with cold water. If solvent contacts
eyes, immediately flush eyes with water and get immediate medical attention.
Never use fuel to clean parts. Fuel is highly flammable. Serious personal injury could result
if fuel ignites during cleaning.
Cleaning Solvents. Use only approved cleaning solvents to clean parts. Drycleaning solvent P-D-680
(Item 87, Appendix C) is commonly used. Always work in a well-ventilated area.