![]() TM 9-3990-206-14&P
This section contains Unit Maintenance procedures for the flatrack. These procedures may include servicing, hoisting,
inspection, cleaning, removal and disassembly, inspection, assembly and installation, adjustments and any procedures
needed for placing the flatrack or its components into service.
Servicing. The flatrack requires only lubrication and cleaning.
Hoisting Loaded Flatrack.
M1077 Flatrack weighs 3,200 lbs (1,453 kg) without side boards. M1077A1 Flatrack weighs
3,900 lbs (1,771 kg) without side boards. Attach suitable lifting device prior to removal or
installation to prevent possible injury to personnel.
For other than ordinary operation, flatrack must be secured and lifted with a crane or other suitable lifting
device. Normally, the flatrack is moved onto and off truck or trailer using LHS.
Install sideboards and straps before hoisting any load except an ISO container. Sideboards cannot be
installed with an ISO container.
See Figure 4-2 for view showing sling rings. When lifting a loaded flatrack, use appropriate spreader bar
and chains to avoid side contact with load.
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