![]() TM 9-3990-206-14&P
Equipment Characteristics.
(1) The flatrack is a welded steel, wooden floored, flat cargo body with folding walls for stacking. The
flatrack usually is loaded and unloaded by the Load Handling System (LHS).
(2) The flatrack has four bottom ISO corner castings that allow one flatrack to be secured and transported
on a flatbed railcar or M871 semitrailer. Two flatracks can be transported on the M872 semitrailer. These
configurations require only existing railcar and trailer-mounted ISO corner castings. The bottom ISO corner
castings allow three unloaded and folded flatracks to be stacked and locked together for transport using LHS and a
M1077 flatrack. Up to five unloaded and folded flatracks secured with chains and load binders may be transported
on a flatbed rail car.
(3) In addition, the flatrack has four upper ISO corner castings that allow loaded flatracks to be stacked up
to nine high in the cargo cell of a container ship.
The flatrack is provided with a sideboard kit, cargo tarp and tiedown straps to allow transport of cargo.
(1) The flatrack can be loaded from the ground, a loading dock or truck to trailer using the truck-mounted
LHS. The flatrack will accommodate nominal loads of 29,500 lbs (13,393 kg) including sideboards and tarp when
loaded on PLS truck or trailer. The flatrack will accommodate loads up to 31,400 lbs (14,255 kg) including
sideboards and tarp when not loaded on PLS truck or trailer.
The flatrack is capable of being transported on C-130, C-141, C-5 and C-17 aircraft.
(3) The flatrack is capable of being sling-lifted by a CH-47D helicopter with a reduced payload. The
maximum permissible payload of the flatrack, payload and slinging assemblies will not exceed the maximum
permissible 22,900 lb (10,387 kg) at 2,000 ft (610 m), 70 degrees F (21 degrees C), for 30 nautical miles.
Up to nine fully loaded flatracks can be stacked and locked together in the cell of a containership.
(5) Three empty flatracks, with the end walls folded down, can be stacked together. A stack of three M1
flatracks may be loaded on the PLS truck using the LHS and a M1077 flatrack.
(6) Two empty flatracks, with the top flatrack end walls folded down and the rear wall of the bottom
flatrack folded down, can be stacked and locked together using suitable blocking and bracing material. In this
configuration, the flatracks can be loaded on the PLS truck using the LHS and the hook bar on the lower flatrack.
Two sets of forklift pockets are provided underneath the flatrack. The set nearest the ends
of the flatrack must be used when lifting loaded flatracks. The set closest to the center of
the flatrack is for lifting unloaded flatracks only. Use of the wrong forklift pockets could
cause damage to equipment.
The flatrack can be moved by a forklift with forks that are a minimum of 70.0 in. (177.8 cm) in length.
A welded frame forming a single integral unit with wood flooring.
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