CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR M15 BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) NSN 3990-01-442-1939GENERAL INFORMATIONPREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTTable 2. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms - ContinuedTable 2. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms - ContinuedEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATAFigure 1. BAP ComponentsFigure 2. BAP Locks and RollersTable 4. The BAP (Empty)THEORY OF OPERATIONCHAPTER 2. OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR M15 BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) NSN 3990-01-442-1939LOCATION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORSFigure 2. Analog and Digital Control Panels.Figure 3. LHS Remote Control UnitFigure 4. Main Hydraulic Manifold.Figure 5. Free-Flow Valve.Figure 6. Hydraulic Hand Pump.Table 1. Load Handling System (LHS) Cab Controls and Indicators - ContinuedLOADING BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) FROM THE GROUNDFigure 1. Lock Winch Frame to BAP.Figure 2. Stow Air LineFigure 3. Checking Front Pin Locks and Rear Guides.Figure 4. Stowing Hydraulic HosesFigure 6. Cab LHS ControlsOPERATION - ContinuedFigure 7. Cab LHS ControlsFigure 8. Checking BAP Hold Down Locks.UNLOADING BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) TO THE GROUNDFigure 1. Brake and Transmission Controls.Figure 2. Lock Winch Frame to BAPFigure 3. Disconnect Hydraulic HosesFigure 5. Stow Air LineFigure 6. Checking Front Pin Locks and Rear Guides.Figure 8. Cab LHS ControlsFigure 9. Cab LHS ControlsOPERATION - ContinuedLOADING BRIDGE BAY FROM THE GROUNDFigure 1. Brake and Transmission Controls.Figure 2. Setting BAP Hold Down Locks.Figure 4. Lock Winch Frame to LHS Hook ArmFigure 5. Setting Front Pin LocksFigure 7. Cab LHS ControlsFigure 8. Picking Up Bridge BayLOADING BRIDGE BAY FROM THE GROUND - ContinuedFigure 9. Parking Brake Control.Figure 10. Stowing Winch CableFigure 11. Cab and Remote Control Unit Controls.LOADING BRIDGE BAY FROM THE GROUND - ContinuedFigure 12. Stow Remote Control UnitUNLOADING BRIDGE BAY TO THE GROUNDFigure 1. Position BAP Locks.Figure 2. Lock Winch Frame to Hook Arm.Figure 3. Connect Hydraulic Hoses.Figure 4. Connect Remote Control UnitFigure 5. Cab ControlsFigure 6. Check and Set Winch Cable TensionFigure 8. Front Pin LocksFigure 9. Rear Guides.Figure 10. Unload Hook ArmFigure 11. Lowering Bridge Bay to the Ground.UNLOADING BRIDGE BAY TO THE GROUND - ContinuedFigure 12. Stowing Winch CableFigure 13. PTO Engage SwitchFigure 14. Stowing Remote Control UnitFigure 15. Setting Front Pin Locks.Figure 16. Stowing Rear Guides.BRIDGE BAY LAUNCHING INTRODUCTIONBRIDGE BAY LAUNCHING INTRODUCTION - ContinuedCONTROLLED BRIDGE BAY LAUNCHFigure 1. Check BAP Hold Down LocksFigure 2. Lock Winch Frame to LHS Hook ArmFigure 3. Connect Hydraulic Hoses.Figure 4. Cab LHS ControlsFigure 5. Connect Remote Control Unit.Figure 6. Check Winch Cable HookFigure 7. Release Bridge Bay LatchesFigure 8. Release Front Pin Locks Figure 10. Open Rear Guides.Figure 11. Brake and Transmission Controls.Figure 12. Launch Bridge Bay.Figure 13. Brake and Transmission Controls.Figure 14. Stow Winch Cable Hook.Figure 15. Cab LHS Controls.Figure 16. Stow Remote Control Unit.Figure 17. Secure Front Pin LocksCONTROLLED BRIDGE BAY LAUNCH - ContinuedBRIDGE BAY FREE LAUNCHBRIDGE BAY FREE LAUNCH - ContinuedFigure 1. Cab LHS ControlsFigure 2. Check Front Pin LocksFigure 3. Connect Remote Control UnitFigure 4. Attach Lanyard to Air Release Valve.Figure 5. Connect Air HoseFigure 6. Position Rear GuidesFigure 7. Center Roller LocationFigure 8. Position Center Roller.Figure 9. Remote Control UnitFigure 10. Lock Winch Frame to BAPFigure 11. Release IRB Foldlock LatchesFigure 13. Stow Remote Control Unit.Figure 14. Brake and Transmission Controls.Figure 15. Release Front Pin LocksFigure 16. Cab LHS Controls.Figure 17. Remove LanyardFigure 18. Lock Air Release ValveFigure 20. Disengage Front Pin Locks.Figure 22. Lower Center RollerCALM OR FAST WATER BRIDGE BAY RETRIEVALFigure 1. Setting BAP Locks.Figure 2. Lock Winch Frame to LHS Hook ArmFigure 3. Connect Hydraulic Hoses.Figure 4. Position Front Pin LocksFigure 6. Connect Remote Control Unit.Figure 7. Cab LHS ControlsFigure 8. Remote Control Unit Controls.Figure 9. Brake and Transmission Controls.Figure 10. Engage IRB Foldlock LatchesFigure 11. Remote Control Unit Controls.Figure 12. Brake and Transmission Controls.Figure 13. Remote Control Unit Controls.Figure 14. Cab LHS Controls.Figure 15. Stow Remote Control UnitNORMAL TRANSFER OF BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) FROM VEHICLE TO TRAILERFigure 1. Retract Trailer Locks.Figure 3. Lock Winch Frame to BAPFigure 4. Unlock BAP from CBT.Figure 6. Position Transload RollersFigure 8. Cab LHS Controls and Initial Contact with TrailerNORMAL TRANSFER OF BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) FROM VEHICLE TO TRAILER - ContinuedFigure 9. Cab LHS Controls and Final Stopping Point on TrailerFigure 10. Lower BAP to Trailer.Figure 12. Cab LHS Controls and Hook DisengageNORMAL TRANSFER OF BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) FROM VEHICLE TO TRAILER - ContinuedNORMAL TRANSFER OF BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) FROM TRAILER TO VEHICLEFigure 1. Brake and Transmission Controls.Figure 2. Lock Winch Frame to BAPFigure 4. Position BAP Hold Down LocksFigure 5. Disengage Trailer LocksFigure 7. Cab LHS ControlsFigure 8. Trailer Bumper Point and Vehicle Bump Plate.Figure 9. Cab LHS Controls and Bail Bar Lock.NORMAL TRANSFER OF BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) FROM TRAILER TO VEHICLE - ContinuedFigure 10. Stow Transload Rollers.NORMAL TRANSFER OF BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) FROM TRAILER TO VEHICLE - ContinuedBAP HOLD-DOWN LOCKS CHECKLISTFigure 1. BAP Hold-Down Locks ChecklistTable 2. BAP Hold-Down Locks ChecklistFigure 2. BAP Hold-Down Locks ChecklistDECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATESFigure 1. Decal and Instruction Plate Locations. (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 1. Decal and Instruction Plate Locations. (Sheet 2 of 2)MANUALLY LOADING BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) FROM THE GROUNDFigure 2. Check Hold-Down LocksFigure 3. Cab LHS ControlsMANUALLY LOADING BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) FROM THE GROUND - ContinuedFigure 4. Check BAP Hold-Down Locks.MANUALLY UNLOADING BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) TO THE GROUNDFigure 3. Position Vehicle.Figure 4. Disengage Locks.Figure 5. Manually Unload BAP to the Ground.MANUALLY UNLOADING BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) TO THE GROUND - ContinuedMANUALLY UNLOADING BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) TO THE GROUND - ContinuedMANUALLY BYPASSING SOLENOID DURING ELECTRIC POWER LOSSFigure 2. Instructional PlacardFigure 4. Valve Plunger ToolPREPARATION FOR EMERGENCY MANUAL REMOVAL OF BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP)Figure 1. Winch Frame Locking Levers.Figure 3. Release BAP Hold Down Locks.Figure 4. Lift Points and Bail Bar LockPREPARATION FOR EMERGENCY MANUAL REMOVAL OF BRIDGE ADAPTER PALLET (BAP) - ContinuedMANUALLY REMOVING LOAD DURING HYDRAULIC POWER LOSSFigure 2. Disconnect Hoses from Operable Vehicle.Figure 4. Connect Hoses to Operable VehicleFigure 6. Return LHS to the Stowed Position.Figure 8. Open M1977 A2 CoverFigure 10. Set Cab SwitchesFigure 11. Disconnect Hoses to Operable Vehicle.Figure 13. Connect Hoses to Disabled VehicleFigure 15. Install M1977 A2 LHS Control Box Cover.CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL, AND NUCLEAR (CBRN) DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURESCHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL, AND NUCLEAR (CBRN) DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES - ContinuedCHAPTER 3. OPERATOR TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESCENTER ROLLER AND/OR TRANSLOAD ROLLERS WILL NOT OPERATEFigure 1. Hand Pump Selector Lever.Figure 2. Hand Pump Selector Lever and Center Roller Assembly.Figure 3. Hand Pump Selector Lever and Transload Roller Extension CylindersFRONT PIN LOCK AIR RELEASE WILL NOT OPERATE DURING LAUNCH OF BRIDGE BAYFRONT PIN LOCK AIR RELEASE WILL NOT OPERATE DURING LAUNCH OF BRIDGE BAY - ContinuedWINCH ASSEMBLY WILL NOT WIND OUTFigure 2. BAP Winch Hydraulic System Quick-Disconnect ConnectorsFigure 3. Remote Control Unit.WINCH ASSEMBLY WILL NOT WIND INFigure 2. BAP Winch Hydraulic System Quick-Disconnect ConnectorsFigure 3. Remote Control Unit.WINCH ASSEMBLY WILL NOT LIFT LOAD OR OPERATES SLOWLYFigure 1. Winch CableWINCH ASSEMBLY WILL NOT LIFT LOAD OR OPERATES SLOWLY - ContinuedFigure 4. Remote Control UnitFRONT PIN LOCK WILL NOT ALIGN WITH BRIDGE BAY PINFigure 2. BAP Front Pin LockCHAPTER 4. FIELD TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESCENTER ROLLER AND/OR TRANSLOAD ROLLERS WILL NOT OPERATEFigure 1. Roller Hydraulic Hoses/Lines.Figure 2. Hand PumpFigure 3. Center Roller Manifold and CylindersFigure 4. Transload Roller Manifold and Cylinders.FRONT PIN LOCK WILL NOT OPERATEFigure 1. Air Supply Hose.Figure 2. Control Valve.Figure 3. Control Valve Outlet Ports.Figure 4. Air Cylinder.Figure 5. Control Valve LeverFigure 6. Air Cylinder BreatherFigure 7. Latch Handle.WINCH DOES NOT OPERATEFigure 1. Winch Quick-Disconnect Couplings (Model A Shown).Figure 3. Access Cover, Connector J2, and Connector P2.Figure 4. Cab Digital Mode Select Switch.Figure 5. Hydraulic Cabinet Cover.Figure 7. Connector P2.Figure 8. Connector J3.Figure 9. WINCH IN Valve and Solenoid.Figure 10. WINCH OUT Valve and Solenoid.WINCH DOES NOT WIND OUTFigure 1. Winch Quick-Disconnect Couplings (Model A Shown).Figure 3. Left (Connector J8A) and Right (Connector J8B) Remote Locations.Figure 4. Remote Control UnitFigure 5. Remote Control Cable Connectors P8 And P9.Figure 6. Left (Connector J8A) and Right (Connector J8B) Remote LocationsFigure 8. Left (Connector J8A) and Right (Connector J8B) Remote Locations.Figure 9. Main Frame Junction Box (Wiring Removed For Clarity).Figure 10. WINCH OUT Solenoid Connector.Figure 11. Main Frame Junction Box (Wiring Removed For Clarity).Figure 12. Cab Interface Wiring Harness Access Cover.WINCH DOES NOT WIND OUT - ContinuedFigure 14. Hydraulic Cabinet Cover, WINCH OUT Solenoid Connector, and Connector J4.Figure 15. Connector P2.Figure 16. WINCH OUT Solenoid Connector and Connector J3.Figure 17. WINCH OUT Solenoid Connector.WINCH DOES NOT WIND INFigure 1. Winch Quick-Disconnect Couplings (Model A Shown).Figure 3. Left (Connector J8A) And Right (Connector J8B) Remote Locations.Figure 4. Remote Control UnitFigure 5. Remote Control Cable Connectors P8 And P9.Figure 6. Left (Connector J8A) and Right (Connector J8B) Remote LocationsWINCH DOES NOT WIND IN - ContinuedFigure 9. Main Frame Junction Box (Wiring Removed For Clarity).Figure 10. WINCH IN Solenoid Connector.Figure 11. Main Frame Junction Box (Wiring Removed For Clarity).Figure 12. Cab Interface Wiring Harness Access Cover.Figure 14. Hydraulic Cabinet Cover, WINCH OUT Solenoid Connector, and Connector J4Figure 15. Connector P2Figure 16. WINCH IN Solenoid Connector and Connector J3.WINCH DOES NOT WIND IN - ContinuedFigure 17. WINCH IN Solenoid Connector.CHAPTER 5 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)INTRODUCTION - PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Table 1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedTable 1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedTable 1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedTable 1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedFigure 6. Control Valve.Figure 8. Center Roller.Figure 9. Rear Guide AssembliesFigure 11. Winch Cable.Figure 12. Remote Control UnitFigure 14. Main Frame Switch.Figure 15. Winch SwitchFigure 16. Disconnect Remote Control Unit.Figure 17. Front Pin Locks.Figure 19. Rear Rollers.FIELD LEVEL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Figure 1. Catwalk.Figure 2. BAP Frame Assembly.Figure 4. Winch Assembly.Figure 6. Hand Pump.Figure 7. Hand Pump Hydraulic SystemFigure 8. Rear Guide Assembly.Figure 9. BAP Labels.Figure 10. Winch Assembly Drain.CHAPTER 6. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCHAPTER CONTENTS - ContinuedSERVICE UPON RECEIPTPRELIMINARY SERVICING OF EQUIPMENT - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE AND WELDING INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL CLEANING INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGENERAL INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL REPAIR INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSFigure 1. General Air Tubing RepairFigure 2. A-FrameFigure 3. Outriggers and Main Rails.Main Frame Structure Figure 4. Winch Frame.Table 1. Weld Joint MaterialsTable 1. Weld Joint Materials - ContinuedPLS FOOT STOWAGEFigure 2. PLS Foot StowageFigure 3. PLS Hitch Pin InstallationSTENCILSSTENCILS - ContinuedCATWALK REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Catwalk Locations.Figure 2. Hydraulic Tubes RemovalFigure 3. Catwalk Removal.Figure 4. Tube Support RemovalFigure 5. Tube Support InstallationFigure 6. Catwalk Installation.Figure 7. Hydraulic Tubes Installation.PLUNGER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Plunger Installation.TOOLBOX ASSEMBLY REPAIRFigure 2. Toolbox Disassembly.Figure 3. Toolbox Assembly.Figure 4. Toolbox Assembly Installation.CENTER ROLLER REPAIRFigure 2. Center Roller InstallationCENTER ROLLER REPAIR - ContinuedREAR GUIDE REPAIRFigure 1. Rear Guide RemovalFigure 2. Reaction Bracket RemovalFigure 3. Reaction Bracket InstallationFigure 4. Rear Guide InstallationFigure 5. Rear Guide AdjustmentFRONT ROLLER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Front Roller Assembly InstallationFRONT ROLLER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedREAR ROLLER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Rear Roller Assembly Installation.REAR ROLLER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedREAR BUMPER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Rear Bumper Assembly Installation.TRANSLOAD ROLLER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Transload Roller Removal.Figure 3. Transload Roller Pin Removal.Figure 4. Transload Roller Pin Installation.Figure 6. Quick Release Pin Installation.REFLECTOR REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Left Front Amber Reflector Removal.Figure 4. Red Reflector InstallationFigure 6. Front Amber Reflector InstallationLABEL REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Label Removal. (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 1. Label Removal. (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 2. Label Installation. (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2. Label Installation. (Sheet 2 of 2)FRONT PIN LOCK ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENT AND REPAIRFigure 1. Air Hose RemovalFigure 3. BAP Front Pin Lock Guide Assembly Disassembly.Figure 4. BAP Front Pin Lock Assembly Disassembly.Figure 5. BAP Front Pin Disassembly.Figure 6. BAP Front Pin Lock Assembly Inspection.Figure 8. BAP Front Pin Lock AssemblyFigure 9. BAP Front Pin Lock Guide Assembly.Figure 10. BAP Front Pin Lock Assembly InstallationLABEL REPLACEMENT - ContinuedSHEAVE ASSEMBLY REPAIRFigure 1. Roller Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Sheave Assembly RemovalFigure 3. Sheave Assembly Installation.Figure 4. Roller Assembly Installation.WINCH FRAME LOCKING LEVER OUTBOARD RETAINER BLOCKS FIELD REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Winch Frame Locking Lever Outboard Retainer Blocks Field InstallationFigure 4. Winch Frame Locking Lever Outboard Retainer Blocks Field Installation.WINCH HYDRAULIC SYSTEM REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Winch Quick Disconnect Removal.Figure 2. Winch Hydraulic Tube Bracket Removal.Figure 3. Winch Hydraulic Tubes Removal.WINCH HYDRAULIC SYSTEM REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 4. Winch Quick Disconnect Bracket Removal.Figure 5. Winch Quick Disconnect Bracket InstallationFigure 6. Winch Hydraulic Tubes Installation.WINCH HYDRAULIC SYSTEM REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 7. Winch Hydraulic Tube Bracket Installation.Figure 8. Winch Quick Disconnect InstallationWINCH HYDRAULIC SYSTEM REPLACEMENT - ContinuedWINCH CABLE TENSIONER REPAIRFigure 1. Retainer Bar and Cable Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Base Assembly RemovalFigure 3. Handle Assembly Removal.Figure 4. Spring and U-bolt RemovalFigure 5. Spring and U-bolt Installation.Figure 6. Handle Assembly InstallationFigure 7. Base Assembly Installation.Figure 8. Retainer Bar and Cable Assembly Installation.CABLE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cable Anchor Removal.Figure 2. Cable Assembly RemovalFigure 4. Cable Assembly.Figure 5. Cable Assembly Installation.CABLE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedWINCH ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Drain WinchFigure 2. Upper Cable guide Shaft Removal.Figure 3. Lower Cable Guide Shaft RemovalFigure 4. Pivot Plates Removal.Figure 5. Winch Assembly Removal.Figure 6. Winch Assembly InstallationFigure 7. Pivot Plates InstallationFigure 8. Lower Cable Guide Shaft InstallationFigure 9. Upper Cable Guide Shaft Installation.Figure 11. Winch Tubes InstallationWINCH MOTOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Winch Motor Tubes Removal.Figure 2. Winch Motor Assembly RemovalFigure 3. Winch Motor Assembly Installation.Figure 4. Winch Motor Tubes InstallationWINCH MOTOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedCENTER ROLLER HYDRAULIC SYSTEM REPAIRFigure 1. Center Roller Hydraulic System Pressure Relief.Figure 3. Rear Carriage RemovalFigure 4. Manifold Removal.Figure 5. Manifold InstallationFigure 6. Rear Carriage Installation.CENTER ROLLER HYDRAULIC SYSTEM REPAIR - ContinuedTRANSLOAD ROLLER HYDRAULIC SYSTEM REPAIRFigure 1. Transload Roller Hydraulic System Guard Plate RemovalFigure 2. Transload Roller Hydraulic System Hose Removal.Figure 4. Transload Roller Hydraulic Cylinder Removal.Figure 5. Transload Roller Hydraulic System Cushion Clamps Removal.Figure 6. Transload Roller Hydraulic System Cushion Clamps Installation.Figure 8. Transload Roller Hydraulic System Tube Installation.Figure 10. Transload Roller Hydraulic System Fittings InstallationFigure 11. Transload Roller Hydraulic System Guard Plate Installation.HYDRAULIC HAND PUMP REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Hand Pump Removal.Figure 2. Hydraulic Hand Pump Installation.Figure 3. Hydraulic Hand Pump BleedingCONTROL VALVE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Control Valve Removal.CONTROL VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Control Valve InstallationCONTROL VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedAIR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (OLD CONFIGURATION)Figure 1. Tubing Removal.AIR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (OLD CONFIGURATION) - ContinuedFigure 2. Tube Nuts RemovalAIR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (OLD CONFIGURATION) - ContinuedFigure 3. Tube Nuts Installation.Figure 4. Tubing Installation.AIR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (OLD CONFIGURATION) - ContinuedAIR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (NEW CONFIGURATION)Figure 1. Clamp and Tubing RemovalAIR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (NEW CONFIGURATION) - ContinuedFigure 2. Adapter and Tube Nuts Removal.AIR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (NEW CONFIGURATION) - ContinuedFigure 3. Adapter and Clamps installationAIR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (NEW CONFIGURATION) - ContinuedFigure 4. Coupling and Hose Installation.AIR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (NEW CONFIGURATION) - ContinuedFRONT BAP LOCK REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Front BAP Lock Bracket RemovalFigure 2. Front BAP Lock Handle Removal.Figure 3. Front BAP Lock Removal.Figure 4. Front BAP Lock Rubber Stop RemovalFigure 6. Front BAP Lock Installation.FRONT BAP LOCK REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 7. Front BAP Lock Handle InstallationFigure 8. Front BAP Lock Bracket InstallationREMOTE CONTROL UNIT REPAIRFigure 2. Remote Control Unit DisassemblyFigure 3. Remote Control Unit Disassembly.Figure 4. Remote Control Unit Disassembly.igure 5. Remote Control Unit Disassembly.Figure 6. Remote Control Unit AssemblyFigure 7. Remote Control Unit Assembly.Figure 8. Remote Control Unit AssemblyFigure 9. Remote Control Unit AssemblyFigure 10. Remote Control Unit Assembly.WINCH REPAIRFigure 1. Brake Hub Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Brake Hub Subassembly RemovalFINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY REMOVALFigure 3. Final Drive Assembly Removal.Figure 4. Brake Housing Removal.Figure 5. Cable Drum Assembly Removal.Figure 6. Final Housing RemovalFigure 7. Final Housing InstallationFigure 8. Cable Drum Assembly Installation.Figure 9. Brake Housing InstallationFigure 10. Final Drive Assembly Installation.Figure 11. Brake Hub Subassembly AssemblyFigure 12. Brake Hub Assembly Installation.BRAKE HUB ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTPREPARATION OF EQUIPMENT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE STORAGE - ContinuedCARE OF EQUIPMENT IN ADMINISTRATIVE STORAGESTORAGE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - ContinuedPREPARATION OF EQUIPMENT FOR SHIPMENTLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSLUBRICATION CHARTFigure 1. Monthly Lubrication IntervalsFigure 2. Semiannual Lubrication Intervals.Figure 3. Localized Views of Lubrication Points. (Sheet 1 of 5)ure 3. Localized Views of Lubrication Points. (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure 3. Localized Views of Lubrication Points. (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 3. Localized Views of Lubrication Points. (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 3. Localized Views of Lubrication Points. (Sheet 5 of 5)Table 1. Lubricant RequirementsTable 2. NotesTable 2. Notes - Continued.GENERAL TORQUE LIMITSFigure 3. Capscrew Head Markings.Table 2. Torque Limits for Wet Socket Head CapscrewsTable 3. Torque Limits for Dry Fasteners - Continued.Table 4. Torque Limits for Dry Metric Fasteners.Table 5. Torque Limits for Wet Fasteners.Table 5. Torque Limits for Wet Fasteners - ContinuedCHAPTER 7. FIELD MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTFIELD MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST INTRODUCTIONTable 2. Source Code 1st and 2nd Positions.Table 2. Source Code 1st and 2nd Positions - Continued.Table 4. Maintenance Code 4th Position.Table 5. Recoverability Code 5th Position - ContinuedTable 6. Usable On Code.REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTFigure 1. CATWALKSFigure 1. CATWALKS - ContinuedFigure 2. TOOL BOX ASSEMBLYFigure 2. TOOL BOX ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 3. PLS FOOTFigure 3. PLS FOOT - ContinuedFigure 4. CENTER ROLLERSFigure 4. CENTER ROLLERS - ContinuedFigure 5. REAR GUIDEFigure 5. REAR GUIDE - ContinuedFigure 5. REAR GUIDE - ContinuedFigure 6. FRONT AND REAR ROLLER ASSEMBLIESFigure 6. FRONT AND REAR ROLLER ASSEMBLIES - ContinuedFigure 7. REAR BUMPER ASSEMBLY (OLDER MODELS ONLY)Figure 7. REAR BUMPER ASSEMBLY (OLDER MODELS ONLY) - ContinuedFigure 8. GUARD PLATE AND TRANSLOAD ROLLERFigure 8. GUARD PLATE AND TRANSLOAD ROLLER - ContinuedFigure 9. REFLECTORSFigure 9. REFLECTORS - ContinuedFigure 10. BAP LABELSFigure 10. BAP LABELS - ContinuedFigure 11. FRONT TRUNNIONFigure 11. FRONT TRUNNION - ContinuedFigure 11. FRONT TRUNNION - ContinuedFigure 12. SHEAVE ASSEMBLYFigure 12. SHEAVE ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 13. CABLE TENSIONERFigure 13. CABLE TENSIONER - ContinuedFigure 14. WINCH HYDRAULIC LINESFigure 14. WINCH HYDRAULIC LINES - ContinuedFigure 14. WINCH HYDRAULIC LINES - ContinuedFigure 15. WINCH CABLE ASSEMBLYFigure 15. WINCH CABLE ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 16. WINCH ASSEMBLYFigure 16. WINCH ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 17. WINCH MOTOR ASSEMBLYFigure 17. WINCH MOTOR ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 18. WINCH PRIMARY AND SECONDARY DRIVESFigure 18. WINCH PRIMARY AND SECONDARY DRIVES - ContinuedFigure 19. WINCH FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLYFigure 19. WINCH FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 20. WINCH BRAKE HUB ASSEMBLYFigure 20. WINCH BRAKE HUB ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 21. WINCH BRAKE HUB SUBASSEMBLYFigure 21. WINCH BRAKE HUB SUBASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 22. BAP HYDRAULIC INSTALLATIONFigure 22. BAP HYDRAULIC INSTALLATION - ContinuedFigure 22. BAP HYDRAULIC INSTALLATION - ContinuedFigure 23. HYDRAULIC HAND PUMPFigure 23. HYDRAULIC HAND PUMP - ContinuedFigure 24. BAP AIR LINES INSTALLATION (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 24. BAP AIR LINES INSTALLATION (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 24. BAP AIR LINES INSTALLATION - ContinuedFigure 24. BAP AIR LINES INSTALLATION - ContinuedFigure 24. BAP AIR LINES INSTALLATION - ContinuedFigure 25. FRONT BAP LOCKFigure 25. FRONT BAP LOCK - ContinuedFigure 26. REMOTE CONTROL UNITFigure 26. REMOTE CONTROL UNIT - ContinuedFigure KITS. REPAIR KITSFigure KITS. REPAIR KITS - ContinuedFigure BULK. BULK MATERIALFigure BULK. BULK MATERIAL - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEXNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEXPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedCHAPTER 8. SUPPORTING INFORMATIONREFERENCESREFERENCES - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTIONMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTION - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTION - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTION - ContinuedTable 1. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC)Table 1. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) - ContinuedTable 2. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENTCOMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) LISTSTable 1. Basic Issue Items (BII)ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTEXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LISTTable 1. EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMSTable 1. EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS - ContinuedMANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTSTable 1. MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST - ContinuedTable 1. MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST - ContinuedTable 1. MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST - Continued